The world is a beautiful place, full of amazing sites to see, both natural and manmade. Before planes and cars became a thing, it used to be very dangerous to travel, but with the increased accessibility, it has become far more commonplace to find all kinds of people from various places visiting somewhere distant from them. Although it’s a wonderful thing, over-tourism has started to become an issue, and some places just aren’t around anymore. So, if you’re planning to travel, here are some destinations to remember first!

1. Kaimū Beach, Hawaii

Kaimū Beach, named for the town of the same name in the area, was once located in the Puna District of the Island of Hawai’i. It was a famous tourist destination, known for the black sands that covered its beaches. Unfortunately, the beaches and the town itself were all destroyed in a volcanic eruption, along with the nearby town of Kalapana.

Although the area is completely covered in solidified lava, hope still remains. There is a new beach that has slowly been reforming as the land recovers from the eruption, with the black sands present the same as before. Locals and visitors alike have started bringing sprouting coconuts to help vegetation grow back in this area.

2. Portions of the Great Wall of China, China

The Great Wall of China is considered one of the New Seven Wonders of the World, and for good reason. With fortifications spanning a distance of 21,196.18 km (13,170.70 mi) in total, the wall stretches along the northern borders of China and is considered one of the most impressive architectural accomplishments in history.

However, while you still visit some of it, other parts have long crumbled away or have been damaged by people. It’s not too much of a surprise, given some of the oldest parts have been dated as far back as the 7th century BCE. If you want to see what remains, now may be your chance, as time is catching up to it.

3. Love Locks Bridge, Paris

The proper name of the bridge is the Pont Des Arts, but given the tourist tradition that was so commonplace until recently, this bridge was better known as Love Locks Bridge. A romantic destination, traveling couples made a tradition of putting a lock on the bridge as a symbol of their love.

Romantic? Well, that’s a bit of a matter of opinion, and the bridge had something to say about it. Under the weight of those millions of locks, the bridge began to suffer, and a portion of it collapsed in 2015. Authorities were forced to remove them, and no one has been allowed to leave the locks on the bridge. Probably for the better, really.

4. New York Hippodrome, New York

The New York Hippodrome, also known as the Hippodrome Theatre, first opened its doors in 1905 and was claimed to be the biggest theatre in existence at the time. With a seating capacity of 5,300 and state-of-the-art technology, it was a sensation that sold out on the opening day.

During its glory days, it had all sorts of the grandest performances, including vaudeville magician Harry Houdini, 500-member choruses, and circus animals. By the end of World War I, it had begun to decline and tragically was demolished in 1939. Worse yet, it was replaced by an office building of all things. Typical.

5. River Country, Disney World, Florida

There are only two Disney parks that have ever closed, and Disney World’s River Country is one of them. The very first water park at Disney World, River Country opened in 1976. It was built artificially to look like a natural lagoon and advertised as “an old-fashioned swimming hole” with a pleasantly rustic water theme.

The water park had a few deaths, one of which involved a boy dying from an amoebic infection of the brain that he had gotten from the water and the other two from drowning. In 1989 and 1995 two bigger water park were opened (Typhoon Lagoon and Blizzard Beach), contributing to the decline of River Country. In 2001 the park was temporarily closed down, expected to reopen a year later, but it never did. It has sat abandoned since then.

6. Ise Jingu, Japan

The Grand Shrine of Ise is a complex of Shinto shrines located in Ise, Japan. The shrine is dedicated to Amaterasu, the goddess of the sun in Shinto mythology. The main shrine is specifically dedicated to her, and the Inner Shrine, “Kōtai Jingū,” is believed to be the place where the goddess dwells.

The structures are built out of cypress wood, joined together naturally with no nails to hold them together. Beautiful as the place may be, tourists are not allowed inside the sanctuary itself, though are allowed to roam in the forests around it.

7. The Statue of Liberty Torch, New York

We all know the Statue of Liberty. It is one of the most famous symbols of the United States, a representation of the ideals on which the country was founded. A woman with a haloed crown garbed in a robe holding a torch up to enlighten all who come, she strikes a powerful image.

But while there are ferries to Liberty Island and tours up to the crown, the torch itself has been off-limits for over 100 years. In 1916, there was a mysterious explosion on Black Time Island in the middle of the night. Shrapnel hit and damaged the statue, and torch visitation was shut down afterward. A shame, the view must be fantastic.

8. Wedding Cake Rock, Australia

Look at it. How could it not be a popular tourist destination? It is very aptly named Wedding Cake Rock, as the layers and colors of the stone resemble that of a traditional wedding cake. Just looking at it is making me want cake, but that’s the reason visitors usually come to this rock as it unfortunately not edible.

The fascinatingly cool formation is suspended 25 metres (82 ft) above the Tasman Sea, and hit a huge spike in tourism in 2015. It got to the point that local authorities began to worry the presence of visitors was damaging it, and, later, also realized it had safety concerned and was likely to completely collapse within the next decade.

9. The “Underwater Amazon”, Indonesia

Called the Underwater Amazon and once considered to be the richest marine biodiversity, this diving spot was one of the best in Raja Ampat’s reefs. Unfortunately, that all came to a screeching halt when a British-owned cruise ship crashed right into the reef in 2017, severely damaging it.

Since then, the reef has been closed to the public to protect it and let it regrow to its former glory. It’s estimated that it will take a good 100 years or so until that happens, so most of us won’t be seeing that in our lifetime. It’s truly a tragedy.

10. Vance Creek Bridge, Washington

Vance Creek Bridge is known to be the second-highest railway bridge in the United States, towering above a valley in Washington’s Olympic State Peninsula at 347 feet (106 mtrs). It was originally constructed in 1929, but it didn’t become the sensation it did until long after it was abandoned. About 2013 is when it began to draw all sorts of tourists, usually daredevils climbing onto the bridge to take pictures in all sorts of poses.

In an attempt to crack down on it, hikers began getting no-trespass tickets and even barricades and a barbed wire fence were put down in a way to keep them off. It hasn’t been fully effective, however, given the amount of videos and pictures that can be found on social media.

11. Pink and White Terraces, New Zealand

This is an incredibly evocative and beautiful scene, and it is such a shame it has been lost to time. The Pink and White Terraces, called the Fountain of the Clouded Sky in Maori, are considered by some to be a lost wonder of the world, and it’s easy to tell why.

Just looking at the way it sits jutting out of a mountain, rising in layers into the distant mists, evokes a sort of fairy tale wonder. Tragically, on 10 June 1886, Mount Tarawera erupted and took the Terraces with it. Not all hope is lost, as some believe to have discovered under the sea. Only time will tell, but hopefully they will return one day.

12. Porcelain Tower of Nanjing, China

The Porcelain Tower of Nanjing was part of the Great Bao’en Temple; it was a pagoda built during the 15th-century Ming Dynasty, but was almost completely destroyed during the Taiping Rebellion. The Civil War lasted from 1850 until 1864 when Tianjing fell, and the tower was a casualty of the clashes.

It was gone to history after that, until a Chinese businessman donated 1 billion yuan for it to be reconstructed in the city of Nanjing. It now stands there again, and the few pieces from the original that were salvaged can be found on display in a nearby museum. You can’t see much of the old one, but the replica is alive and well!

13. Rotbav Fortified Church, Romania

The Rotbav Fortified Church is centuries old (its construction finished somewhere around the 1300s) and something of a cautionary tale for the other old churches that dot the Romanian landscape. On February 19, 2016, a whole section of the church collapsed.

It had only gotten to this point of disrepair from neglect and lack of maintenance, an issue shared by its other brethren. Another church, Radeln’s church tower, also collapsed that same week from the same issue. Unfortunately, this sort of neglect means a lot of people are losing their heritage. If you wish to see such places, go now before it’s too late.

14. Chichen Itza, Mexico

Chichen Itza is one of the most beloved tourist destinations in the world. Located in eastern Mexico, it is a remarkably preserved Mayan structure that still attracts millions of tourists to this day. Much like many such remarkably preserved ruins, it really does fire up the imagination.

Unfortunately, you can only approach it from a distance and look at it, but can’t climb it. Once upon a time visiting tourists could climb it, but it was so overrun it began to damage the structure. Not to mention, some folk were trying to graffiti it. The nerve.

15. Haʻikū Stairs, Hawaii

The Haʻikū Stairs, also known as the Stairway to Heaven, it well deserving of its name the longer you look at it. Consisting of more than 3,000 steps, it is truly a striking view to watch the stairs disappearing high into the mists of Oahu Ko’olau’s mountain range.

The stairs were originally built in 1942 for a radio station, and long after it finished serving its purpose opened as a hiking spot by the Coast Guard in the 1970s. That stint was, tragically, short-lived as its appearance in Magnum P.I. increased its popularity to the point it had to be shut down again in 1987. In 2021, it was decided the entire trail was going to be removed. Such a shame.

16. The Ténéré Tree, Niger

What image is more evocative than a lone tree, standing by itself in the middle of a desert where nothing else lives for miles away? The Ténéré Tree was considered sacred, a monument of resilience, the last tree alive in a place that had once held more of its kind when the environment was more agreeable.

Unfortunately, as often happens, this one was lost due to human stupidity when a drunk driver rammed into it in 1973. The remains of the dead tree were removed and carried to the Niger National Museum in Niamey, and a metal sculpture was erected in place as a memorial.

17. Lascaux Cave Paintings, France

This site was discovered in France in 1940 when 18-year-old Marcel Ravidat’s dog decided to investigate a hole left by an uprooted tree. He would later return with friends to explore more in depth, thinking it was a secret tunnel to the nearby Lascaux Manor.

Instead, they found cave paintings that date back to the Upper Paleolithic period. It first opened to the public in 1948, but had to close in 1963 as the constant visitation was damaging the paintings. I have to admit, the paintings are actually really impressive. Who knew are long-lost ancient ancestors could paint so well?

18. Midway Gardens, Illinois

The Illinois Midway Gardens were opened in June 1914. The site was designed by famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright, who collaborated with sculptors who created the famous sprite statues that could be found around the garden. It had year-round entertainment that featured famous performers and entertainers, as well as plenty of food and drink.

Unfortunately, it’s time was short lived and by 1929 it had fallen onto enough financial difficulties it had to shut down before being demolished. It’s a shame, but in a hilarious twist of irony, Wright’s solid architecture held out so well the wrecking company went into bankruptcy knocking the thing over.

19. Original Penn Station, New York

On the topic of beautiful buildings being destroyed for no damn reason, let’s talk about the original New York Penn Station. Inspired by classical architecture such as the Acropolis of Athens, Penn Station was a marvel of architecture and the biggest public space in its time. The station was completed in 1910 and served as a major travel hub for decades.

By 1962, however, it had suffered a decline in use and was declared too expensive to upkeep and so was scheduled for demolition. This was (understandably) met with pushback, as even modernist architects rushed to stand up for it. Alas, it was not to be, and this beautiful structure was destroyed by the fools to make way for Madison Square Garden.

20. Stardust Casino, Las Vegas

In the mood? Nothing can compare to the glitz and glamour of the gigantic Las Vegas Stardust Hotel and Casino. It was at its peak the biggest hotel in the world with 1,065 rooms, full of everything you could possibly want. It had a gigantic swimming pool, a drive-theater, and even a barber shop, not to mention the many showrooms and casino portion.

After a long run that had attracted the likes of well-known politicians and celebrities, it began to decline and closed in 2006. Never one to disappoint, even its demolition was a sight to see as it was destroyed via implosion. It really went out with a bang!

21. Discovery Island, Disney World

Discovery Island was originally named Treasure Island when it first opened in 1974 but was later renamed as it became clear it was more of a zoo than anything, full of exotic animals. It contained about 150 birds and small primates in total.

Unfortunately, as in all things Disney, it doesn’t quite hold the squeaky-clean record that the company likes to present, and it came to light that animals were not having a grand ol’ time the way the visitors were. Disney was charged by Federal and State officials with 16 counts of animal cruelty. Eventually, the animals were moved to the bigger Animal Kingdom, and the park was closed.

22. Tsukiji Tuna Fish Market, Japan

The Tsukiji Tuna Fish Market is a bit of a rollercoaster in terms of visitation. It is a large fish market that holds an auction daily, filled with impressive fish, mostly tuna but also oftentimes exotic catches. Only those who have authorization are able to participate in the auction, but the entire process, the fish, and then the elaborate preparation afterward are all major draws for tourists.

However, due to overcrowding and other such problems as an earthquake at one point, the market has been closed to tourists on and off. There was so much of a problem the market was even moved to a new location. Nowadays, you can visit, but the amount of tourists allowed in is limited so best to get there early. Besides, there’s no telling when it will be closed off again.

23. The Old Man of the Mountain, New Hampshire

The Old Man of the Mountain, also known as the Great Stone Face and The Profile, used to be a series of granite stones jutting out of Cannon Mountain in New Hampshire. The Abenaki and the Mohawk people both considered it to be an important symbol in their culture.

But if you haven’t seen this striking sight, the chance has tragically passed into history. Despite many attempts over the years to help secure the formation, it collapsed on May 3, 2003. Although gone, the Old Man of the Mountain has not been forgotten and still remains an iconic symbol in New Hampshire.

24. Dubrovnik, Croatia

If you haven’t heard of Dubrovnik, you have likely seen it anyway without knowing if you’re an avid Game of Thrones watcher, as it is the location of King’s Landing. This beautiful Croatian seaport is a testament to time, with gorgeous medieval architecture all throughout the city.

It skyrocketed to fame because of HBO’s popular show and had such a huge boom in tourism that it began to become a problem for the locals. While you can still visit the city, much like the Tsukiji Tuna Fish Market, there is a cap, so you need to plan accordingly.

25. Paleis voor Volksvlijt, Netherlands

Another beautiful building of the 1800s, The Paleis voor Volksvlijt, or, the Palace of Popular Industry, was a large glass exhibition building that finished construction in 1864. It was inspired by the Crystal Palace in London.

It became apparent pretty quickly the building itself would not make for a particularly good exhibition, so it instead became an entertainment center with shops, concerts and later even operas. It did not last very long, as the palace was destroyed in a fire in 1929. Another beautiful work of art lost to time.

26. Crystal Palace, London

Speaking of the Crystal Palace, this site has also made it to the list. The Crystal Palace in London was a Victorian-style building made of glass, wood and cast iron, which made the majority of the building almost entirely see-through.

It was specifically created for the Great Exhibition, a world exhibition that was intended to attract visitors from all over to display various steps forward in culture and industry. Six million people visited the palace for the event, and it has become a famous symbol of the Victorian era. Tragically, much like its successor, the Crystal Palace burned in a fire.

27. Maya Bay, Thailand

Film and media has a way of drawing attention to the various, beautiful sites that are hidden around the world. Unfortunately, with that, often comes throngs of tourists. Such was the case with Thailand’s famous Maya Bay which was the location of The Beach, a film starring Leonardo DiCaprio.

As is expected, this degree of large scale exposure drew the hordes from all over and it became so overcrowded that the beach was shut down for two years. The good news is, the new and improved version is now open to the public!

28. Duckbill Rock, Oregon

Duckbill Rock was a cool-looking formation in Oregon and attracted tourists to post for all sorts of pictures, from the fun and goofy to the dramatic and the romantic. That all came to a screeching halt in 2016, when a bunch of teenagers decided to crawl around a fenced off area and topple the formation.

They called the rock a “safety hazard” because one of their friends had broken a leg on it, and claimed what they did was a “public service.” Public service? Pfft. Typical. The vandals have not yet been caught, and we are down a Duckbill Rock formation.

29. Azure Window, Malta

The most incredible thing about the Azure Window in Malta was that the arch was completely naturally formed, a beautiful jutting rock with an arch and the water of the Mediterranean beneath. This site was famous both among tourists, but was also frequently a location used in various movies and TV shows.

Some of the more notable appearances were in Clash of the Titans (1981), The Count of Monte Cristo (2002), and even an episode of Game of Thrones. Unfortunately, when heavy storms hit, arch gave out and the whole thing collapsed into the sea.

30. The Buddhas of Bamiyan, Afghanistan

Carbon dating of the two colossal statues date to about 570 CE for the Eastern one, and 618 CE for the second. They were built as a holy site for visits along the Silk Road, back when the Hephthalite Empire ruled the region. In the modern day, this area is located in a valley in central Afghanistan. Given the circumstances, it is somewhat obvious even before, it wasn’t exactly the most popular tourist destination.

However, the sheer scale of these statues is awe-inspiring. They survived all the way into the twenty-first century, though not for lack of trying on the part of many to destroy them. Built into the mountain as they were, it was not so easy. Eventually, the Taliban deemed them idols and destroyed them entirely. It was not an easy process, even with modern-day artillery.

31. The Amber Room, Russia

The Amber Room was a chamber of gold and amber, decorated with mirrors and gold leaf. A striking, ornate room, it was originally built within the Berlin City Palace in 1707. It was eventually moved to the Catherine Palace when Prussian King Frederick William I gifted it to his ally Tsar Peter the Great of the Russian Empire in 1716.

It was a priceless piece of art, and with art comes art thieves. The Amber Room was looted by Nazi soldiers during World War II. Where it went after that, no one is quite sure as it mysteriously vanished after the war and was never seen again. What a mystery!

32. Royal Opera House, Valletta, Malta

The Royal Opera House, also called the Royal Theatre, was an opera house and performing arts center that was erected in 1866. Much like many classic structures, it was a beautiful building of pillars and friezes and was considered the most beautiful building in Valletta. It has a long and fraught history; however, as just six years after its completion in 1866, it suffered a fire that destroyed it.

The interior, most damaged by the heat, was quickly rebuilt within four and a half years. But its woes did not end there, as World War II would bring an end much like many other things. During an air raid in 1942, there was very little left of the theater. What ruins there were have been turned into an outdoor theater in 2013.

33. Chacaltaya Glacier, Bolivia

Once upon a time, the world’s highest lift-served ski resort was on the Chacaltaya Glacier in Bolivia. It also houses the restaurant that holds the Guinness World Record record as the world’s highest restaurant. However, if you are wanting to ski on this glacier, you’re out of luck.

It has been melting for decades, and in 2009 was reduced to only a few small patches of ice and snow near the top of the mountain. It is not only a loss of a wonderful place, but a major source of water for surrounding areas. Probably still worth checking out that restaurant though.

34. Spreepark, Germany

Have you ever wanted to be devoured by gigantic predators? Well, you won’t be able to do it at this German amusement park anymore. It first opened as Kulturpark Plänterwald in 1969 and kept that name until 1989, when it was renamed to Spreepark Berlin. For the longest time, it was the only constant entertainment park in East Germany.

Starting in 1999, increasingly large debts began to cause major problems for the park, forcing them to increase the admission fee. By 2001, there was no hope remaining and the park closed in 2002. It has been left to fall into disrepair since, though was holding tours for a while. It mysteriously had a fire in 2014 that was suspected to be deliberate.

35. The Original Globe Theater, London

Back in the 1500s when Shakespeare was alive and popular in London, his plays were usually found at the Southward Globe Theatre, a theatre owned by Shakespeare’s playing company. It was constructed in 1599 and was the place to be for a Shakespeare play.

Tragically, the theatre was destroyed in a fire in 1613. But not to worry! It was then rebuilt in 1614… and demolished in 1644. Real reassuring. It is a shame to have lost these to history, but fortunately a modern theatre named Shakespeare’s Globe was built as a reconstruction in the same location as the original and opened in 1997. So there’s something to see!

36. Chorley Park, Toronto

I’m seeing a pattern here. People really like knocking down beautiful buildings in favor of newer, uglier ones. This time it isn’t as sad as a story, but I vote for instead moving businesses or what have you out of ugly buildings and putting them in the nicer ones, then knocking down the bad ones. No? Just me?

Well, Chorley Park used to be a beautiful mansion in Toronto’s area, used as a government house until it was closed. It was then demolished in 1960 to create a municipal parkland. Alright, this one is a bit of a happy ending, natural areas for the publish are much better than an opulent house for government officials. Yech.

37. The Original Madison Square Garden, New York

Alright, there is a Madison Square Garden nowadays; this is true. But it turns out, the current, modern one is actually the fourth in a series of Madison Square Gardens that cropped up around New York over time. The very first one opened in 1879, but was a major safety and lasted only for eleven years before it had to be shut down. It had a leaky roof and dangerous balconies that had straight up lead to actual deaths.

As is expected, it was quickly demolished and a second one was put in its place the following year. It lasted a bit longer until it was also demolished in 1925, replaced again by one on a different site, and then once more destroyed due to safety hazards to lead to the one we all know and love today. Whew! That’s a lot of them.

38. The Library of Alexandria, Egypt

This may be one of the oldest lost sites on the list, and to many of us history and knowledge nerds, the biggest tragedy of all. The Library of Alexandria was the biggest library of its time, a universal Athenaeum of papyrus scrolls that had an estimated number of 40,000 to 400,000. It became known as the capital of knowledge and learning.

Contrary to popular belief, experts say it was not destroyed by a fire but gradually declined until its final destruction in 275 CE, if there was anything left to it. Still a shame all that knowledge may be gone, but on the bright side, the ruins can still be seen to this day!

39. The Chicago Federal Building, Illinois

The Chicago Federal Building went through quite a lot in its time. It suffered an explosion in 1918 that killed four people and injured 75 more and was a notable location for the fact Walt Disney himself worked at the Post Office in it that same year.

But what it is most famous for (aside from another beautiful set of that wondrous classical architecture) is that it was there in 1931 that Al Capone was finally taken to court and got his famed ten-year sentence for tax evasion. The building was demolished to replace… well, a huge downgrade, frankly.

40. Notre-Dame, France

Officially named Notre-Dame de Paris (“Our Lady of Paris”), this old cathedral is famous for its architecture and holds a famous spot culturally for The Hunchback of Notre-Dame. A beautiful example of Gothic architecture, it has been attracting tourists for decades.

However, in 2019 a broke out inside the cathedral that destroyed a lot of the interior. Much has been saved, and reconstruction efforts are in progress, but what it looked like before has been lost forever. What a shame.

41. Pioneer Cabin Tree, California

The Pioneer Cabin Tree, also known as The Tunnel Tree, was a giant redwood tree and probably the most famous tree in the US. It was estimated to be over 1,000 years old, which is pretty darn old even for how long-lived trees are. At some point, someone got the brilliant idea to start carving tunnels in the trunk of these massive trees so pedestrians and later cars can drive through them.

It’s a cool idea but also… what did they expect to happen when hollowing out the foundations of a tree? Tragically, the tree was felled in 2017 during a rainstorm that flooded its surroundings. It is important to know, it has also been damaged to the point of hollowness by lightning strikes and forest fires. Yeesh.

42. The Berlin Wall, Germany

From 1961 to 1989, Germany was split in half between East Germany (The German Democratic Republic) and West Germany (the Federal Republic of Germany). There was no greater symbol (and physical barrier) of this divide than the Berlin Wall.

It represented the divide of the country, as well as causing numerous issues for those living within the city. East Berliners and West Berliners were cut off from one another, and families were separated. It stayed up until 1989 at the end of the Peaceful Revolution that would unite Germany back together. It’s a good thing it’s no longer around, but its legacy lives on.

43. Yosemite Firefalls, California

Once upon a time at Yosemite National Park, the top of Glacier Point would have burning hot embers spilled down into the valley. The result was a beautiful sight of what appeared to be a glowing waterfall that could be seen even from a distance.

This tradition first started in 1872 and continued for almost a century, before it was finally decided it was not a part of the mission that Yosemite stood for. It’s dedication to preserving the natural meant such a manmade event had no place there, and so was stopped in 1968. However, the place from which it was poured, Camp Curry, still stands so you can still visit!

44. Timbuktu, Mali

Timbuktu has long become a metaphor in culture for any lost and distant place, and the reason for that is because of this mythical city that has held the collective imagination of many Europeans for a long time. Some people today still even believe that it is not a real place but only a place of myth and mystery.

Well, I’m here to tell you Timbuktu is alive and real, and it is as incredible to see as one might imagine. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean you can visit it. It is currently the center of a warzone, dangerous even for its own people much less tourists. Maybe one day it will be liberated and re-open.

45. Original Wembley Stadium, London

The original Wembley Stadium has a long history, having opened exactly 100 years ago in 1923 in London. It hosted numerous European Soccer Cup finals. It rocketed to fame as the most well-known soccer stadium in the world.

It also hosted Olympics and rugby games, as well as numerous famous entertainers like Elton John, Queen and Madonna. Unfortunately, this iconic stadium fell on hard times and much like other buildings who have a similar experience, was ultimately demolished in 2002. By 2007, its replacement had been erected and served the same purpose.

46. Jonah’s Tomb, Iraq

The city of Nineveh has a history that goes back to the Neolithic period, possibly as early as 6000 BC. That was over 8000 years ago. However, the tomb in question at the ruins of the city dates back to about the 8th Century BC, a tomb which many have associated with Jonah.

You know Jonah, he was the man who got eaten by a fish (or whale) and survived. Unfortunately, the tomb, which may have belonged to this well-known Biblical figure has been destroyed, with very little of it remaining. If you were planning to check out the city (and I don’t recommend it right now), it will unfortunately be a sight that is less than impressive.

47. National Museum of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro

The National Museum of Brazil had an incredible collection that comprised of more than 1,000 objects, a mix of various relics from old civilizations that spanned Europe, Africa, the Middle-East and the Americas. It held some of the most important pieces of archaeological findings from the Americas.

All that history, all those memories of the people who came before us, our ancestors… nearly all of it was lost in 2018 when a fire broke out in the evening. It is believed that 92.5% of its entire archive was destroyed in the inferno, leaving very little behind. If you haven’t seen in… now it bears very little of this.

48. Guaira Falls, Paraguay and Brazil

Guaria Falls was an incredible series of enormous waterfalls along the Paraná River that ran along the border of Paraguay and Brazil. It was in its height waterfalls with some of the greatest flow rates on Earth. But, of course, no such beauty can be left untarnished.

In 1982, the Seven Falls ceased to exist when the Itaipu Dam reservoir was brought into being. It was a cold, chilly symbol of so-called industriousness that attracted many to watch and mourn its end. Tourists and indigenous folk alike gathered on the day the dam was put in place.

49. Palmyra, Syria

Palmyra, which means “City of Palm Trees,” was a city that was part of the Roman Empire back in its height. The city contains all the classic signatures of Greco-Roman architecture of the time that was blended with the unique style of Persian architecture.

It is located in what is modern-day Syria and was named a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1980. Unfortunately, a lot of it has been damaged in the crossfire between forces in Syria, leaving much of it destroyed. Its glory has been lost to history.

50. Heritage USA, South Carolina

Known by some as the “Christian Disney World,” during its heyday, Heritage USA was the third most popular theme park and water park in the US. It came in only after Orlando’s Disney World and Anaheim’s Disneyland, which says a lot.

It was founded by televangelists Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker and first opened its doors in 1978. By 1986, it was bringing in nearly 6 million visitors a year. In 1987, a scandal involving Jim Bakker came to light and caused a decline in attendance. In 1989 came the final nail in the coffin when Hurricane Hugo struck, causing severe damage to the park and forcing it to close shortly afterward.

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